Winter is coming. How to prepare your home for the cold months ahead.


It may only be September but if you have lived in Colorado for any length of time, you probably know that winter is just around the corner. Before you know it, we’ll be waking up to a light dusting of snow. It’s important to prepare your home for the colder weather. Here are a few tasks to tackle now. 

Heating System: Many people choose to have a qualified HVAC technician do a yearly tune-up on their heating system. If you decide not to go that route, it’s a good idea to do a test run of your system before the cold weather sets in and replace the air filter at a minimum. 

Pipes and irrigation: insulate any exposed water pipes in uninsulated areas. Disconnect hoses, turn the water supply off to exterior hose bibs, and drain water that may be stored inside. Drain sprinkler system and turn them off for the season. 

Gutters: Ensure gutter are clean of debris. If wet leaves are left to freeze it can add significant weight and potentially cause damage. 

Trees: Ensure that tree branches are at least three feet away from the house and check for any ailing branches that may break when weighed down with snow. 

Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors: Check all of your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors and make sure they are working. Consider replacing batteries. 

Fireplace: Whether a wood burning or gas fireplace, it’s a good idea to have them serviced once a year. 

Humidifier: Many of us in dry Colorado know the luxury of having a whole house humidifier. Change the evaporator pad and clean the unit prior to the furnace firing up. 

Snow: Make sure you have adequate equipment for shoveling snow. If you’re lucky enough to have a snow blower, fire it up to make sure it’s functioning properly. Take inventory of your shovel situation. This is also a great time to ensure that your ice scraper is in your car.

Energy Efficiency Improvements: 

Get an Energy Audit: If you’re within Fort Collins city limits, you can request a full home energy assessment for only $60. If you decide to make any improvements, the city will connect you with contractors, provide financing and utilize any available rebates. Check out the Epic Homes program here. 

Improve attic insulation: An energy audit is a great way to see if this is something you need. Ensuring you have a sufficient amount of attic insulation can save you money on your energy bill and create a more comfortable home. 

Consider a programmable thermostat. The thermostat can save energy by automatically lowering the temperature while you’re away. It also keep temperatures consistent. 

Seal the leaks: Is your home feeling drafty? Caulk any gaps and add weather stripping around windows and doors. If you don’t already have them, consider adding storm doors. 

Associate Broker, The Green Team Real Estate - 970.820.0750


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